Category Archives: Uncategorized

  • Ensuring Quality Care At Chain Pharmacies In The Midst Of Reform

    Quality Care At Chain Pharmacies?   From 2011 to 2012 U.S. prescription sales totaled $326 billion according to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Of that amount Tennesseans spent more than $6.1 billion filling more than 112 million prescriptions, easily making Tennessee one of the top States in the nation for number of prescriptions filled […]

  • Criminal Defense Team

    Meet our Criminal Defense Team   Being accused of committing a crime is frightening. You feel isolated, alone, and terrified. If the person arrested is a loved one, business colleague, or especially, your child, your emotions are even stronger than if you were facing criminal prosecution yourself. When you are accused of committing a criminal […]

  • Attention current and former DOE Plant workers

    You may be eligible for compensation under the federal sick worker program for occupational hearing loss. This condition affects the majority of former DOE workers based on past results of medical screening programs and has a significant impact on one’s quality of life and activities of daily living. Medical research indicates that hearing loss can […]

  • Social Security Disability Benefits

    If you have applied for Social Security disability benefits or are thinking about doing so, there are a number of obstacles you might encounter on your way to getting approved. The purpose of this message is to explain some of the rules or concepts the Social Security Administration (SSA) uses to evaluate your claim and […]

  • Millions of Workers Exposed to Organic Solvents

    Organic solvents are substances that are capable of dissolving or disbursing other substances. Millions of workers are exposed to organic solvents even though some of them are recognized by NIOSH as carcinogens. These include benzene, carbon tetrachloride, and trichloroethylene. Some organic solvents have reproductive hazards while others are detrimental to the central nervous system. Extensive […]

  • Social Security Administration Five Step Process

    The Social Security Administration uses a five step process to evaluate whether individuals applying for disability benefits meet its requirements under the Social Security Act. These steps are essentially questions to be answered by administrative law judges appointed by the Social Security Administration. If the questions are satisfactorily answered, claims are approved. One of the […]